Thursday 27 October 2011


I get asked all the time about 'How Do You Spot An Unfaithful Partner'.... well, here are the basics from our expert book!....1. white lies - Really silly small things. Like telling you they can't attend a certain event because there due at such a place. Then you find out they were lying. Forgetting they had to work late/early. The motorway was busy, but you check online and it was clear. Lying about their phone bill. If they feel they have to lie over such small things, how are they handling the big things?!

2. Looking good - a new interest in taking care of appearance, but your sex life suffers....or significantly increases! Sounds bizarre but it's very true! She starts wearing new underwear, having her hair done regularly, nails etc - all of which are a change in her usual behaviour. Same situation goes for him.... and then your sex life stops. Or on the other hand it hugely increases. Sometimes if you're partners having an affair to have a break from reality, they come home remarkably refreshed.

3. Paranoia - As in their own paranoia about you. People being unfaithful often detract the limelight from themselves and try focusing it on you. How many times do you watch Jeremy Kyle and someone wants a lie detector on their partner, but the cheater is the one throwing the insults and accusations?!

4. Phones and Emails - would they prefer to eat their mobile phone rather than let you near it? Do they text 10000 times a day? Or are glued to their email? Unless they're the CEO of one MAJOR national company, it's unlikely they need to be on the phone that much....and if they do, they would probably have an assistant!

5. Something too good to be true, generally is.

6. If it doesn't add up, it proably doesn't

7. Gut Instinct - If it's telling you something, flaming listen!

Tuesday 25 October 2011


We do a lot of work with cheating partners...

We're often asked if we've caught people in the act!? Yes would be the answer, but not lots!

We try to never tell clients what we're up to at specific times. If they know, they can blow our cover and we can be (and have been) in danger! 

One time though, our client was particularly nervous, to the point of a breakdown. When I get involved with clients and their stories, I take them personal. I felt nervous for her, and wanted in every which way to help her. The client made it very clear, if I didn't guide her through every step of the investigation she would be a nervous wreck. So on this one occasion, we kept her up to date.

It was Halloween, we'd been following the suspect all night. He'd been to a fancy dress party, dressed as beetle juice! We knew where he was going, so just in case, WE were also dressed up! You HAVE to be prepared for all situations....A corpse bride and a fairy we're now surveying the suspect...sometimes I do wonder if we're barking! 

His wife, our client, was 200 miles away. He decided to carry the party back on at their marital home... 

The home, because it was owned by our client had equipment installed. We knew everything that was going on in the home.

Husband had gone upstairs with a witch, and I swear to you, no pun is intended!... we were literally listening to the noises they were making in the bedroom (again, moral questions time!!!!!!).

The client was told, he is being unfaithful, right now. Client gave her orders, and because it was her house, we were told to get in there and break it up!

So, we did just that. Fairy and corpse bride running up the stairs, with husbands friends behind - 'yoda, superman, a storm trooper and spiderman!'....

Everyone was very baffled, he was furious, not to mention embarrassed when we witnessed a full frontal display... but the body cameras we had on certainly helped the wife in her divorce settlement. 

We helped her get after care with a local councillor and she assures us she lived happily ever after!


 Back on my soap box here people, but check this out.
It's sheer genius! This is a post on a site from a CSA case worker. Just an example of when non resident parents don't pay their child maintenance. Check out my response at the end, I think the CSA need more people like this working for them!
Here is our motto - YOU HAVE CHILDREN, PAY FOR THEM. If you do, all will be fine. If you don't -  People like us will be behind you making sure you do! SIMPLE

I happen to work for the CSA.
Flint – have you ever heard of the saying that it is better to keep your mouth shut and have the world think you are an idiot than to open it and confirm everybody’s suspicions?
As regards working without paying – we will catch up with you in the end. And then you will have to pay. Before you say that debts can’t be enforced after 6 years – wrong – this debt will go to your estate once you die.
House seizures are a reality now – not a myth. I know that because I made a referral for one which was taken.
As for self employed directors who claim minimum wage PAYE and then pay themselves in dividends to avoid paying maintenance – you will have a rather nasty shock when there is a massive bill sent your way following a variation or departure for dividend income and/or lifestyle inconsistencies.
My best result so far? A gentleman who claimed he earned not a penny but paperwork summoned from his accountant including his tax return showed he earned over £50,000 a year. What happened to him? He’s now got a criminal record.
The fact is that we attempt to be fair, but if there is deliberate avoidance then there is every reason for hardball treatment.
So, flint, be ready for that knock on the door from the bailiffs.
Written by Susan (CSA employee) · Filed Under CSA Complaints

Brilliance….Here is a really simple rule -


Why do people think they can have children and give them nothing? It is not the resident parents place to fund an entire life for a child that was created for two people. The people not paying for their children need to ask themselves where on earth that child’s next meal coming from?Don’t pay for said child, and compromise the child’s life and happiness and there will be consequences. If someone has not paid for a child for so long that they end up with their home seized, they deserve everything they get! On top of this, the person who wrote this working for the CSA – massive well done to you, more of these people are needed!!!!

Friday 21 October 2011

The Ladies v The Child Support Agency

Don't get us wrong, us ladies here at the agency love the child support agency.

A great organisation who bring the non paying parents to justice.
The problem with them comes when you've got a hard work non paying parent who's playing the system.
We had a case recently. The father in this case was the one not paying for the child. He'd not contributed one penny to his school age daughter. The mother had been left to bring up the child on her own with no help. Something we just find unacceptable under any circumstance.
The father said he wasn't working, and he's been self employed for over 15 years.
He said he hadn't worked in 18 months, which was a lie because we'd caught him red handed and taken photographic evidence of that. We'd also given witness statements.
The father still pleeded poverty and he wasn't working.
Just a couple of facts of when a parent goes under investigation, here is what the CSA cannot do:
1. they cannot follow anyone
2. they cannot wait outside anyones house
3. they cannot visit a place where a person is believed to be working
4. they cannot do internet investigations
Pretty much the only thing they can do is look at electoral rolls and utility bills. That's wonderful, but that's far too many loopholes to slip under, and our target was well and truly doing it.
Our target was selling products on the internet, and he'd been photographed working.
The CSA could not do anymore to check this out.
Ok, so we did it all for them at a cost to the mother who's already out of pocket.
We got correspondence from the father admitting his work, internet evidence, photographic evidence, a place of work, witness statements and video evidence.
It wasn't cheap for the mother, imagine if it was a parent who couldn't afford this work?! That's another lying non resident parent escaping paying for their child.
Sad state of affairs when you have to do your own work to get anywhere!


Mr ex ‘Buffy the vampire slayer’ and now ‘Angel’ star David Boreanaz, has spoken out about his affair. 

Back in 2010 David had an affair with Rachel Uchitel (remember, the woman behind the Tiger Woods incident?). 

He now tells the world it’s made his marriage stronger. Whilst difficult for most to believe, it’s not totally un common. 

David states the weeks after the discovery of his affair were a ‘bonding’ experience for himself and his wife. Tragedy is bringing you together, and without any doubt it’s a pretty horrific time. Although, for some couples it’s possibly one of the first times in a long time they’ve been open and honest with each other. On a bizarre level, it does make some sense. 

According to the man himself, marriages have ‘extreme happiness’ and ‘extreme rocky patches’. He’s not wrong, despite the flippant use of language in such strong circumstances. 

"In a sacred ground like marriage, you find yourself out of it at certain times for reasons unknown that can be destructive. There could be a demon that kind of comes out and overtakes you."

All power to his wife we say. Not everyone can overcome such trauma. If you can, excellent. If you can’t, it’s no reflection on you being weaker than the next person in your shoes. Just different personalities handling a life altering situation in a very different way. Some people wear nothing but flats, the next person wears nothing but glittery stilettos! (That’s us!)

Thursday 20 October 2011

A different kind of honey trap

We’re often asked about honey trapping. As mentioned previously in our blog posts, all is not as it seems.

Yes, basic honey trapping involves a man flirting with a taken woman to see if she will be unfaithful, and vice versa... but there’s another side people forget...

Honey traps can be done online. Have you ever wondered why you get a random ‘facebook’ request from someone you don’t know? Or a new twitter fan?... We’ve caught a few people this way, and it’s certainly scary what information and in depth conversations people can reveal. 

Another version of honey trapping... another agency (NOT us!) recently did a honey trap on a couple who were divorcing. The man was a serial drinker, and the wife had no way of proving this to the courts without a messy battle. One night the wife had her soon to be ex husband trapped by two women who offered husband a threesome. He took the bate. They told him to follow them in their car to a hotel... he did.

The police were ready and waiting. He was arrested for drink driving, and the wife proved her case.... 

If this job does nothing else, it makes you question your morals!

Can you get over infidelity?

‘Lady Archer’ has said, ‘there’s far worse things in life than infidelity’. 

LDA founder Rebecca Jane was asked to take part in a radio debate this morning on the topic, here is the basic views.

‘Yes you can entirely get over infidelity, and there’s lots of things in life that are far worse. Physical violence and mental cruelty being just two.

Relate says 2 out of 3 couples stay together after infidelity and our company 100% agrees. 

Clients use our services to find out the truth. Unfortunately when couples are in the beginning stages of uncovering an affair, they don’t just come clean. They dance around the truth, often telling a small portion to make the other party feel they are getting a full story.

It’s generally at this point we are contacted. To move forward with life, most people need the full facts. Considering their partner isn’t forthcoming with them, we have to get involved.

It’s all down to personal circumstances and the type of person you are, if you feel you can get over a person being unfaithful. Most people will never know the answer to the question, until they are in that situation. 

There’s no rule book, and no one is right or wrong. 

Whatever you feel, the best thing is to go with your gut instinct. Do whatever will make you feel better! The only person looking after you, is yourself, no one else is in charge of your happiness. 

Humans are creatures of habit and comfort. Do you honestly want to leave a relationship that’s been a working progress for years, has children or many other circumstances? When it comes to the crunch, chances are the answer is no. With the right help and commitment from both parties, a future together is still possible. 

Do what makes YOU happy...’

P.S - Serial infidelity is a wholllleeee different topic!