Tuesday 25 October 2011



We do a lot of work with cheating partners...

We're often asked if we've caught people in the act!? Yes would be the answer, but not lots!

We try to never tell clients what we're up to at specific times. If they know, they can blow our cover and we can be (and have been) in danger! 

One time though, our client was particularly nervous, to the point of a breakdown. When I get involved with clients and their stories, I take them personal. I felt nervous for her, and wanted in every which way to help her. The client made it very clear, if I didn't guide her through every step of the investigation she would be a nervous wreck. So on this one occasion, we kept her up to date.

It was Halloween, we'd been following the suspect all night. He'd been to a fancy dress party, dressed as beetle juice! We knew where he was going, so just in case, WE were also dressed up! You HAVE to be prepared for all situations....A corpse bride and a fairy we're now surveying the suspect...sometimes I do wonder if we're barking! 

His wife, our client, was 200 miles away. He decided to carry the party back on at their marital home... 

The home, because it was owned by our client had equipment installed. We knew everything that was going on in the home.

Husband had gone upstairs with a witch, and I swear to you, no pun is intended!... we were literally listening to the noises they were making in the bedroom (again, moral questions time!!!!!!).

The client was told, he is being unfaithful, right now. Client gave her orders, and because it was her house, we were told to get in there and break it up!

So, we did just that. Fairy and corpse bride running up the stairs, with husbands friends behind - 'yoda, superman, a storm trooper and spiderman!'....

Everyone was very baffled, he was furious, not to mention embarrassed when we witnessed a full frontal display... but the body cameras we had on certainly helped the wife in her divorce settlement. 

We helped her get after care with a local councillor and she assures us she lived happily ever after!

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