Wednesday 29 June 2011

Fact V Fiction - Honey trapping

This job is nuts, no two ways about that. I think I can't be shocked and then the phone goes with something more crazy than the last.

I do have problems with the fiction about our industry. Here's some of the myths...

Honey trapping - This is not where a woman goes up to a man in a bar, flirts outrageously and then jumps into bed. That type of work is called prostitution and it's nothing to do with us!

What honey trapping really is involves coaxing information.

Girl or man goes up to a third party in a bar and flirts, not to an extent where it would not happen naturally. For example, throwing themselves and offering everything in the world on a plate... that can be unrealistic, and we're out to create a semi natural circumstance.

Our honey trapping involves a light conversation. Say they know each other from work, our person was once a temp worker at their workplace etc...? They know them from their local pub...? Or the obvious, spill a drink and flirt!

From that moment our experts try to get information. We're generally armed with a list of questions from our client that they want answers for.... are they married? have children? how happy they are in their relationship? etc...

Expert then tries to obtain a phone number and exit...

A honey trap lasts 10-15 minutes. It's what happens next that's the important bit...

Expert will then enter into text / Facebook / phone conversation with the target, over a course of a few weeks. Striking up a relationship, and seeing where it leads.

If it does lead to a further meeting, our investigators will be there to take evidence that the target turned up... essentially having the desire to be unfaithful / dis honest etc...

This type of honey trapping is called 'passive' -

 'Active' honey trapping is more brazen, flirting outrageously and taking it to a place where our detectives never would. Active honey trapping means nothing, except that the person will take what's thrown on a plate and forced at them or that they are basically weak to entrapment... something we have never, and would never be involved in.

Final myth to be dispelled... it's not just men who are trapped. There's a large number of men having women honey trapped, and male honey traps are some of the most busy and wealthy men in this business!!!